
Tuesday, April 23, 2024




Post 43 - Thursday April 25th, 2024

One of the awkward progressive aspects of this Lewy Body Dementia journey is the number of falls that I have. Yeah, I have my share of falls, mostly just tumbles really, but every now and again I have a doozy and end up with some rather sore spots. And then getting up off the deck can be awkward, it takes time, old age and the injury from a fall can mean it is a real work of art getting back on my feet.

But oddly enough, the first things I do when I fall is to quickly look around to make sure no one was watching, then and only then do I check for any injury or painful spots.

Anyhow, my assessment of my falls is that they are not really about balance, they are not neurologically defined. Nope, they are more like stumbles, or I mis-place my step or I trip, and from that, I bring myself down. The lack of balance thing is there at times, but I don't think it is an issue on most occasions. It is important of course to never just dismiss a lack of balance, if that is the case then a medical check-up is important.

But for that said, I am very aware of things like getting up too quick and being faint, I still have the smarts to put some thought in place and to be careful if light headedness is apparent. I do also have some heart related AF issues that present from time to time, but I am very aware when that happens, and again I still have the smarts to adjust what I am doing physically.

What is wrong for me is that it appears my perception of the landscape, be that inside or outside is off kilter and I easily misjudge my surrounds and down I go.

The LBD has altered my cognitive thinking, altered my ability to assess, I trip over really rather than fall and generally that is because I have lost the ability to gauge what is around me.

Falls at times like this can be so darn annoying. Once, I had great peripheral vision and never had a problem with knowing where I was stepping or what was around me. My surrounds were simply my surrounds and never presented as a problem. But not so with this LBD issue, I look to have lost the ability of awareness with my surroundings. Frustrating to say the least.

Luckily, at this stage of life I have given away most forms of physical adventure, I stay close to home and when I do venture out, I have Ruth to guide me around. So no, sport, rock climbing, bungee jumping, skydiving etc is definitely out. I have even given up bike riding, that could have been awkward. I mean, if I kept falling off my bike, I would have to accept the fact that it is a vicious cycle!

One thing I do need to add here, as I often say in my posts, issues like the falls and lack of awareness, and the LBD it is not a constant thing, well, it is constant in a way, but it comes and goes. I do not live with the effects of LBD problems every minute of every day.

Sure, I know it's there; I feel it being close, but I do have some really good moments, moments even when life is ok. And the LBD does drive the depression, that is a given, but yeah, I can still have some decent times. All is not totally lost at this point

I mean, I am not going to forget your name, I will know who you are, I can and will chat and immerse in the conversation. I may lose my thoughts and stumble on some words, and I may lose my confidence if I mess up, but I am still able to talk and join in a social setting to the best of my ability. I do try to give it my best shot.

Maybe on the days when I am struggling with some physical ailment or I am off center mentally, then I lose some cognitive focus and I may be more distant, I may be that recluse I often write about.  But you won't see that, for now I can cover that ok, I can do recluse without it affecting others.

And on these types of days, it means I am much more susceptible to things like the falls. I struggle to multi-task in a cognitive sense when I am battling in the areas I mention. I just don't have the mental capacity I once had, and as said, that is annoying and no darn fun. I accept it happens, I can see what goes on and that makes things even more annoying. Why can't I fix this area of the LBD?

But the reality is I am stuck with some of the things that happen in times of cognitive decline. That is not going to change, I just need to keep inventing strategies to try and minimise the impact things have on my physical being. Because the falls are dangerous, I seem to always have some sore spots as a result of hitting the deck but thankfully, to this point, nothing overly serious has happened. No broken bones, no major injuries, just a bit of bark off here and there and a few bruises.

Ruth and I are still housesitting for a few more days, it is just a lovely place, great house, rural setting, a few acres with animals, just perfect. But lots of stairs, and I mean lots of stairs but all good. I have been careful not to crash, well mostly, just a few little indiscretions, I mean, anyone can fall down the stairs, but in this house, I have mastered the art of falling up the stairs.

So, Ruth, when you get to read this JonnyG Remembers Blog post, I am sure that will explain my sore elbow and my bad shoulder. But I also know you will just have a laugh to yourself and think, how did I not understand that right at the start. But I forgive you.

And on the subject of Ruth, once we head off on our travels and set up in the 'off grid' wilderness, I would like to get a hammock, I reckon to stretch that thing out between two trees and hop in would be so darn relaxing. But every time I mention the hammock Ruth just laughs and laughs and laughs.

I think she thinks that JonnyG and a hammock would not be a good mix. But if I do get the hammock Ruth, just remember, I still intend to do my own stunts and there will be no cameras.

And Ruth, for the record, you know how I am a great juggler, circus quality juggler in fact, well, the other day I did have a fall while juggling, it was too much to handle. And last week when it rained, I did try to jump over a puddle, and Ruth, guess what, yeah oops down I went, the puddle is the undisputed champion. I know that now.

And finally Ruth, you know that rather large 30-foot ladder down the back by the woodshed, well, the other day I fell off it ... ok, I was only on the second rung, but I still fell. Move along, nothing to see here.

So, there we have it, let's call this post done. Once again, I thank all of you who follow my LBD journey and read my posts. In the 16-months since I started to write my LBD story the JonnyG Remembers blog has had 24,700 views. 

Today I will leave you with this statement, so going forward, watch this space ...

My next project will be to write a book about falling downstairs ... It will be a step-by-step guide ...


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them


  1. You're amazing John.. and funny to boot! 🙌

  2. Great story. Enjoy your camping 🏕️. I reckon it might get chilly!

  3. Just love reading your blogs John. Keep them coming. Have fun out bush

  4. You are a one off John. A great story teller. Keep up the good work. I'm waiting for the book. Hugs to you both.🥰


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